“Gods. Kings. Fire. And Blood.”

Daemon Targaryen, House of the Dragon


Map of the Valyrian Freehold

The Valyrian Freehold

The greatest civilization in the world according to all and the greatest civilization to ever exist to many. The Valyrian Freehold was born from the most unlikely of places in the Lands of the Long Summer when a group of shepherds in the year 5000 BD managed to tame the dragons of the Fourteen Fires. From these first shepherds were spawned the original 80 Valyrian Houses though in these modern days only 7 of those original 80 still exist as the greatest of the Valyrian Houses. These Dragonlords have managed to create the largest and richest empire in the entire world surpassing even the Emperors of Yi Ti and the many Princes of the Rhoyne.

The Freehold has no kings goes the old saying and to a point it is true. There is no hereditary monarch of the Freehold instead it is structured as a noble oligarchy of the dragon lords with an elected head of state. At current there are 96 Dragonlord Houses each with a vote in the Senate. The Senate rules the Freehold passing its legislation, electing the Archon who serves for two years as the head of state, and doling out fiefdoms to the many houses. In theory anyone can join the Senate and found a noble house so long as you are able to claim a dragon and ride it which is a very rare occurrence though on occasion it does happen.

Provinces of the Valyrian Freehold

Provinces of the Valyrian Freehold

The Independent States of Essos

The Independent States of Essos


The Valyrian Senate

The Valyrian Senate is the ultimate power in the Freehold operating as a noble oligarchic council. Every Dragonlord is granted a lifetime appointment to the senate upon their assumption of that role. These Dragonlords make up the senate body and possess a single vote with which to cast during the monthly senate sessions. Additionally they can propose legislation to the senate to be voted on by the other Dragonlords to be potentially made into law. Such laws require a simple majority in order to pass and once passed are passed on to be signed off on by the highest ranking member of the senate, The Archon.

The Archon of the Senate

The Archon of the Senate is elected from among the Dragonlords by the Dragonlords in the senate requiring a 2/3rds Majority to gain the seat and then serve for a two year term. The senate session to elect the new Archon lasts until an Archon is elected and the attending Dragonlords are not allowed to leave until one is chosen. In theory any Dragonlord can be elected but in practice 90% of Archons come from the 7 Great Dragonlord Houses of Valyria.

The Archon holds immense power over the senate being able to veto proposed legislation though this can be overturned if the Senate votes to do so with 2/3rds majority, call the senate to meet at non standard times, speak first at all meetings, and impose fines on Dragonlords who commit crimes against the senate.

Additionally the Archon is the chief of the Freehold’s Military and Navy having sole control of the state military and fleet that is based in the homeland of Valyria and is allowed to at will take control of any House’s Military and Navy for use against foreign enemies. They cannot use these forces against other Dragonlord houses however unless they are in active rebellion against the Freehold. At the end of the Archon’s term all of their actions while in office are called up for review and if any are found to be overly tyrannical or acting against the good of the Freehold then the now former Archon is executed on the spot



Dragon Archon

The Rhoynish Wars

A series of 7 massive wars between the ancient Confederation of the Rhoyne and the Valyrian Freehold. These include the only two wars the Valyrians have ever lost with the 3rd and 6th wars being disastrous defeats that to this day are the greatest shame of the freehold.

This war is the largest in recorded history with millions dying on both side and thousands of dragons dying as well as most of the ancient Rhoynish Turtles. The last and largest war ended only two years ago with the defeat of Prince Garin the Great at the The Battle of Chroyane. This final war has ended the existence of the Rhoynar as an independent people with most of their nobles and a good portion of their common folk fleeing to the lands of Dorne in Westeros. For the Freehold with their victory they have gained the most fertile land in the entire world and the full control of the largest river in the world. They have also though lost over 40 Dragonlord Houses and thousands of Dragons which has opened the door to many new houses to rise.

The Great Dragonlord Houses of Valyria

7 of the Original 80 Houses

House Belaerys

House Belaerys

House Belaerys

House Cyzoth

House Cyzoth

House Cyzoth

House Nhalaryn

House Nhalaryn

House Nhalaryn

House Spyre

House Spyre

House Spyre

House Tagaros

House Tagaros

House Tagaros

House Valaerys

House Valaerys

House Valaerys

House Vhassar

House Vassar

House Vassar


Sorcery of Valyria

Note: Only one kind of Magic may be possessed by a Character. For example, if Pyromancy is bought then Blood Magic or Shadowbinding cannot be bought in tandem.

And once known a type of Sorcery, a Character may not learn anymore outside of that Sorcery.

Types of Sorcery

Healing Chart

Healing Time

Character Creation

Starting Block

Attributes 8 / 6 / 4
Abilities 15 / 11 / 7
Backgrounds 8
Starting Willpower 4
Freebies 21
Starting Magic 3*

( If Magical Merit Purchased )

Freebie Costs

Attribute 5 Points per dot
Ability 2 Points per dot
Background 1 Point per dot
Willpower 1 Point per dot
Merits Point Cost of Merit
Magic Path 7 Points per dot

Experience Costs

Attributes Current Rating x 4
Abilities Current Rating x 2
New Ability 3 EXP
Willpower Current Rating
Magic Current Rating x 6
New Path 7 EXP

Additional Starting Stats